Sunday, August 8, 2010


I can't believe I finished!!! WOOHOO!!! I've always considered myself to be up to date with technology, but starting this training, I realized how much I didn't know. I'm glad I was able to go through these 11 tools and really learn a lot. Not only did I learned things that I can use professionally, but also personally. Once I started the training and really got into it, I found that it wasn't as scary or confusing as I thought. I am excited to use this in the classroom. I think technology is a tool that we should be using everyday in the classroom!

Tool #11

Digital Citizenship is going to a big part of technology use in the classroom. I think it’s something to emphasis from the very beginning of the school year. The same way we review and practice daily routines and procedures, I believe we should do the same with digital citizenship. Most people would agree that it is crucial for the upgrades to focus on this, but I believe it is just as important if not more important for the lower grades too. If we can instill these practices at an early age it will be a good foundation for the kids.

Three things I would want my kids to understand about being good digital citizens are:
1. Safety and Security
2. Etiquette and Communication -Respecting each others opinions and creations
3. Responsibility and Rights

Tool #10

I wasn’t very familiar with any of the educational apps for itouches, iphones, and ipads. As I was looking up some of the apps, I noticed they had a good number of apps to help stay organized. Some of the apps I liked were the vocabulary builder, talking phrases, and fact of the day. I also really like the reference apps. There are so many more that I can’t wait to start using & exploring. It’s amazing how many different apps there are to support teachers and help students.

Tool #9

I hadn’t heard of Jing before this training, but I had heard of Skype. After learning about Jing, I can really see it being used in the education profession. I think it’s a great way for teachers to connect and learn from each other. I also think it’s a great tool to use in lessons and in so many other ways.

There are endless possibilities with Skype! I love the idea that my kids can connect with other kids all over the world. I think this is a great way for them to experience other cultures and so much more. I’m thinking of ways I can use it this year… I can’t wait to use all this stuff with my kiddos!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tool #8

I think using videos from these sites are a a great way to get the kids engaged in the lesson. I don't remember who, but someone sent an email with a link to a video of a black eyed pea song remade to motivate kids to read. My kids LOVED it! They memorized it in like 2 seconds! I included that video and also one on the water cycle... Enjoy! Well for some reason only one video will upload.. I added the link for it

Tool #7

This experience was much easier than I thought. I'm a huge Cowboys fan and made a PhotoStory from the game we went to last season! I really enjoyed making it and can't wait to use it in my classroom.

Tool #6

I think one of the most important ways that wikis can aid students in learning is the fact that it allows them to edit and create content. It has such a open structure and allows student to express themselves and collaborate with eachother and really be creative. In 4th grade we focus so much on writing, so I think we could create an ongoing story. There are so many ideas and ways it can be used in the classroom!