Sunday, August 8, 2010


I can't believe I finished!!! WOOHOO!!! I've always considered myself to be up to date with technology, but starting this training, I realized how much I didn't know. I'm glad I was able to go through these 11 tools and really learn a lot. Not only did I learned things that I can use professionally, but also personally. Once I started the training and really got into it, I found that it wasn't as scary or confusing as I thought. I am excited to use this in the classroom. I think technology is a tool that we should be using everyday in the classroom!

Tool #11

Digital Citizenship is going to a big part of technology use in the classroom. I think it’s something to emphasis from the very beginning of the school year. The same way we review and practice daily routines and procedures, I believe we should do the same with digital citizenship. Most people would agree that it is crucial for the upgrades to focus on this, but I believe it is just as important if not more important for the lower grades too. If we can instill these practices at an early age it will be a good foundation for the kids.

Three things I would want my kids to understand about being good digital citizens are:
1. Safety and Security
2. Etiquette and Communication -Respecting each others opinions and creations
3. Responsibility and Rights

Tool #10

I wasn’t very familiar with any of the educational apps for itouches, iphones, and ipads. As I was looking up some of the apps, I noticed they had a good number of apps to help stay organized. Some of the apps I liked were the vocabulary builder, talking phrases, and fact of the day. I also really like the reference apps. There are so many more that I can’t wait to start using & exploring. It’s amazing how many different apps there are to support teachers and help students.

Tool #9

I hadn’t heard of Jing before this training, but I had heard of Skype. After learning about Jing, I can really see it being used in the education profession. I think it’s a great way for teachers to connect and learn from each other. I also think it’s a great tool to use in lessons and in so many other ways.

There are endless possibilities with Skype! I love the idea that my kids can connect with other kids all over the world. I think this is a great way for them to experience other cultures and so much more. I’m thinking of ways I can use it this year… I can’t wait to use all this stuff with my kiddos!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tool #8

I think using videos from these sites are a a great way to get the kids engaged in the lesson. I don't remember who, but someone sent an email with a link to a video of a black eyed pea song remade to motivate kids to read. My kids LOVED it! They memorized it in like 2 seconds! I included that video and also one on the water cycle... Enjoy! Well for some reason only one video will upload.. I added the link for it

Tool #7

This experience was much easier than I thought. I'm a huge Cowboys fan and made a PhotoStory from the game we went to last season! I really enjoyed making it and can't wait to use it in my classroom.

Tool #6

I think one of the most important ways that wikis can aid students in learning is the fact that it allows them to edit and create content. It has such a open structure and allows student to express themselves and collaborate with eachother and really be creative. In 4th grade we focus so much on writing, so I think we could create an ongoing story. There are so many ideas and ways it can be used in the classroom!

Tool #5

The online bookmarking service I joined was delicious. I think it a great tool to organize websites that are useful to me. Whether its professionally or for personal use its very useful. I added it to my toolbar so I can have easy access to it! I think both students and teachers will benefit from it!

These are the websites:

Tool #4

I had no idea google had these tools! It was a great experience. Google reader is a great way to organize the blogs that I'm following and google doc is a great way to share info! With google reader I'm following my fourth grade team.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tool # 3

I added my two as gadgets which was fairly easy to do. There were so many different sites and so many different choices to use! I'm already brainstorming all the ways I can use them this year!!!

Tool # 2

So my thoughts on building an online education community and participating in a PLN.......... I think this is a great way to share thoughts and connect with other educators. Its also a resource our students can use. Its going to be really important to make sure students understand its purpose. I also want to make sure my kids understand that this is a form of communication and a way to connect and share. I would still like to emphasize the importance of verbal communication and that this is just another way for them to express themselves and connect with others. In this time of video games, texting, and social networking does anyone think that kids today are lacking skills when it comes to their ability to verbally communicate with eachother?

One of the things that stood out to me on the commenting advice was to make sure I was inviting comments... I could ask questions, be open ended, and so on. While posting comments I read one that really got my attention and made it really easy to leave a comment. Hopefully I will be able to do the same!!!

I have left comments on:
technofitness, here i come
summer 2010
mcw at soe

Monday, July 12, 2010

Tool #1

I wasn't sure what to expect getting started, but I had a lot of fun creating it. This is my first experience with blogging and creating avatars and it was a positive one......yaaay!!! I am excited to see what I can learn from this training and how I can use it in my classroom!